

customer satisfaction

Healthier with data

The base of our personalised nutrition advice comes from science. We test the clinical effectiveness of our care with science. And our digital diabetes treatments are further developed in close collaboration with science.

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Our scientific heart

It has been scientifically proven that everyone responds differently to food (Zeevi et al, 2015). Food contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other micronutrients. These cause reactions in your body that we can measure via glucose values. An imbalance of these values after nutrition is a risk factor for obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Clear.bio's contribution to scientific research

Our scientific advisory board

Endocrinologist at Amsterdam UMC

“Lifestyle advice should be an important and complementary strategy in the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Innovative technological solutions such as Clear.bio are needed for direct advice, feedback and motivation of our patients and will enable better care.

Assistent professor Laboratory for Genetic Metabolic Diseases at Amsterdam UMC

“Scientific research has shown that there is no ideal diet that works for everyone. What does work is the ideal diet for you as an individual. Clear.bio helps people, by measuring reactions of their blood sugar levels, to discover which dietary habits are best for them. I highly recommend that.”

Meet Madelon Bracke

Madelon is our Founder and Chief Scientific Officer. With her PhD as cell biologist, she works as scientist in health care. At Clear.bio, she converts science into useful user insights. 

Contact about science?

Would you like to receive more info about the scientific projects we participate in? Or do you want to involve us in scientific research?

Contact Madelon or complete this form.