

customer satisfaction

Clear.bio winner of VBHC Dragons Grant 2023

Clear.bio has won the prestigious international Value Based Health Care Dragons Grant 2023 on May 9th.

The jury stated: “Wow, this works. We want to have this now. It’s a great example how AI and data come together in a consumer product.”

We are very happy and grateful with this award, and thank the jury for shortlisting our digital therapeutic and for supporting our mission to help millions of people with type 2 diabetes to become the best and healthiest version of themselves. With data instead of pills. 

Also a special thanks to all nominees of the Dragons Grant 2023: runner-up NordicInfu Care AB, Sirius Medical, MYSPHERA and Copernico. Let’s keep on pushing new lines of thinking in creating value for patients, and moving health care toward positive-sum competition that delivers lasting benefits for all.