

customer satisfaction

Jan (63 years): “Clear.bio was a wake-up call for me.”

“I have been overweight since childhood. It also did not help that I was a driver during my whole career. When I discovered through Zilveren Kruis that the Clear.bio Health Check is reimbursed, I immediately signed up. Also because of my overweight, I was very curious about my blood sugar levels and how my body responds to my meals.

The check took 2 weeks. I learned a lot during this period. For example, I thought that fish meals are always very healthy. That is not true. That depends on what you eat next to this. A particular fish meal got a very low food score for me. I was in shock. Now, I know why and also how to improve this.

Insight into your blood sugar levels
Just like my bread meals. At first, I ate normal brown bread. Nowadays, I eat a kind of rye bread with seeds and kernels. This rye bread keeps my blood sugar completely stable. On the last day of this check I tested how I react to white bread. Well, my values skyrocketed. A confirmation that I’m on the right track. And also that I can eat carbohydrates…but then the good ones.

Small adjustments, big difference
Those small adjustments in my diet and exercise work very well for me. Look, I can’t walk 20 kilometres. But I can take my grandchildren to school by bike or take a walk after dinner. I still do that. What I also learned is that after a bad day with high blood sugar levels, I often have a bad night as well. That is why it is so important to keep your blood sugar levels stable during the day. I have seen and experienced it myself. And with the nutrition tips I got during the check I certainly succeeded. I still use those nudges.

The basics are here to stay
I would prefer to continue this check for 2 extra weeks. In the 1st week you don’t know much yet. In the 2nd week you adjust your diet and exercise for the first time. In the 3rd and 4th week you would like to continue this line to really get your blood sugar levels all the way down. I just can’t afford those 2 extra weeks myself. But I am very happy with this reimbursement in the Extra Vital package of Zilveren Kruis. I’ve learned the basics.

I recommend this check to everyone, really. You just don’t know which foods are or are not good for your body. Clear.bio was a wake-up call for me personally. Especially because you see so well which nutrients attack your body.”