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Clear.bio in NTvL: “Motivation through visualization and data driven personalization.”

Written by and published in NTvL on May 31, 2024.

Clear.bio is an innovative healthcare concept to support people with type 2 diabetes. Through sensor measurements, people gain insight into their eating behavior and how it affects their health. Supported by a network of healthcare providers such as dietitians, this not only provides users with personal nutritional advice, but also more control.

The fact that Clear.bio is effective was established in the 2022 Eten-Meten-Weten study. A 12-week treatment with the combination of a glucose sensor, an accompanying app and remote dietitian support significantly reduced HbA1C in 75% of the 205 patients who participated in the study. The effects of a Clear.bio intervention appear to be lasting: results from the Eten-Meten-Weten follow-up show that one year after treatment, 94% of patients still apply the insights learned, and in 53% of cases these are purely personal insights. “You cannot unlearn what you have learned,” is the belief of Madelon Bracke, CSO of Clear.bio.

Clear.bio shows measurable clinical effects in the form of HbA1C reduction and better glucose regulation. “But non-clinical effects are at least as important,” says Bracke. “By giving people more control over their diabetes management, they become motivated to continue following the program. They experience more control and less stress and feel better.”

Bracke continues: “How we respond to food is extremely personal. But the nutritional advice that people usually receive is generic. They have been tested on large groups of people and an average has subsequently been derived. At Clear.bio we believe that thanks to technology we are able to formulate tailor-made nutritional advice that is very close to your personal biology.”

The Clear.bio program lasts three months. During the first and last 2 weeks of the program, participants wear a glucose sensor and measurements are taken continuously. “You can use the things you learn from the sensor measurements to make adjustments to your behavior,” Bracke continues. “All the while you can have contact with our support system with dietitians.”

With success: 69% of users manage to significantly reduce blood sugar levels in those three months, by an average of 11.6 mmol/mol. Clear.bio is now reimbursed from chain care, for the time being in the regions around Rotterdam-Rijnmond and Breda.

Bracke: “What is very effective is that you see what happens when you drink a glass of orange juice, for example. Then you think twice before you do that again. For example, many patients with diabetes see their sugar levels spike surprisingly often after a breakfast with oatmeal. While oatmeal is often recommended because of its nutrients and fiber, cholesterol-lowering effect and a low glycemic index. For them personally, this is not such a good choice and we then help them with advice on how they can put together this breakfast differently next time (e.g. less oatmeal and more nuts/seeds/kernels) or experiment with a different breakfast that they can keep their glucose levels lower.

In this way, we try to ‘tweak’ your life with the help of data-driven nutritional advice. If you use your own measurement data to see when things are going wrong with your glucose levels, and how an adjustment can rectify that, then you learn something. And you can never unlearn that.”

Contact between the Clear.bio patient and the network of healthcare providers takes place in two ways. On the one hand, there is a special digital work environment where healthcare providers can monitor how the patient’s measurements are going. Dietitians can intervene and provide specific advice for people who do not seem to be doing well. In addition, patients can ask questions via the app and they will receive an answer within 24 hours. Bracke: “Did you know that we make about 180 food choices per day? We do not want to patronize; people remain in control and continue to make their own choices. But based on measurements and facts. Motivation through visualization and data driven personalization is what Clear.bio is all about.”

Read the full article in the Leefstijl and Voeding special of the NTvL.

Patients from the Rotterdam and Breda regions are already fully reimbursed for referrals from ketenzorg.

Would you like to know what Clear.bio can do for your patients or organization? Or are you curious about all the study results?

Request a personal, no-obligation information meeting here.