

customer satisfaction

Review Clear.bio Tim Jansen

Tim Jansen: “Advice that I would not have thought of myself”

“As an Ironman triathlete I do a lot of sports. This can amount to more than 18 hours a week from swimming, cycling, running to a visit to the gym. I now do this in addition to a full-time job. So for me a good and healthy diet is essential.

I have been working with good and healthy food for years. When cooking I take into account the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and I make sure I eat enough vegetables. I time fast carbohydrates around intensive sports moments. This is quite a task in itself, but this could be done better. This is where the Clear program came in handy.

I started with a clear introduction, where I was given an explanation of what the 2 week program would look like. A lot of information about nutrition and how this affects your glucose level, with the consequences. In between I received daily tips, which is nice to make the first changes where necessary.

The Clear program gave me advice that I would not have thought of myself! For me it wasn’t in the food I ate, but in the times and frequency of my meals and snacks. Something I still keep in mind today.”