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Does your blood sugar level stay stable after eating oatmeal?

You have read before that everyone reacts differently to nutrition. For example, one peaks at a banana and the other does not. Or someone can peak on a banana, but not on an apple. And sushi does not have the same effect on blood sugar in everyone.

What about oatmeal? Oatmeal is rich in nutrients and is often recommended for type 2 diabetes, because it is packed with fiber that ensures that your sugar level does not rise so quickly. But is this really the case? Does your sugar level stay stable after eating oatmeal?

The average blood sugar response to oatmeal

Many people eat oatmeal for breakfast instead of bread. Let’s take a look at the data to see if oatmeal is indeed not peaking. We have to make a comment here, because everyone has their own way of making oatmeal.

For example, one makes oatmeal porridge with milk and the other does this with water, soy drink or oat drink. But on average, oatmeal porridge does raise your glucose level, as you can see in the graph below.


Blood sugar also rises quite quickly, only to quickly return to pre-breakfast levels. This may also explain why some people quickly feel hungry again after a breakfast with oatmeal.

Why does oatmeal cause a spike in your blood sugar in some cases?

How is it possible that your blood sugar can rise quite quickly after eating oatmeal, but can also quickly return to the level before your breakfast?

Oatmeal contains carbohydrates

Oatmeal naturally contains carbohydrates and eating carbohydrates increases your blood sugar. This is very normal. Oatmeal also contains more carbohydrates per 100 grams than, for example, whole wheat bread. And the bigger your portion, the higher your rise.

It matters how you prepare the oatmeal

It certainly matters whether you make the porridge with milk or, for example, oat drink. Just like milk, oat drink also contains carbohydrates (a little more), but hardly any proteins. Proteins can actually ensure that the carbohydrates from a meal are absorbed less quickly, so that the sugar level rises less quickly.

Extra carbohydrates are often added

And thirdly, people often add banana, apple, raisins or honey to sweeten breakfast with oatmeal. In other words: even more carbohydrates. And in the case of raisins and honey: especially fast sugars. All this can lead to a considerable peak after eating oatmeal porridge.

Tips to vary your oatmeal breakfast

Can you never eat oatmeal again? Yes, because oatmeal has many healthy properties. It helps in lowering your cholesterol level.

If we see a peak after eating oatmeal, we therefore recommend first taking a smaller portion or, for example, replacing water or the oat drink with (vegetable) cottage cheese or Greek yogurt. Both contain more protein and Greek yogurt also contains more fat. Fats can also cause a slower rise in sugar levels.

Another option is to (partially) replace the oatmeal with nuts, seeds and kernels or low-carbohydrate muesli.

Finally, you can also try replacing the banana with red fruit (= less fruit sugars) or add spices such as cinnamon or biscuit spices for a sweet taste. What works for you and what doesn’t? So experiment!

Oatmeal or just that sandwich?

Maybe that sandwich is just a better option for you. Then go for a wholemeal sandwich instead of a white one and always choose savory sandwich fillings such as cheese, dairy spread, cottage cheese, avocado, egg, meat, fish, chicken or tapenade.

Also add some vegetables. And of course don’t eat too many sandwiches, because then your sugar level will probably rise too much.

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